2025 Freight Trends Report

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In October 2021, a diversified global manufacturer and solutions provider sought out Breakthrough’s Fuel Recovery solution to calculate accurate fuel reimbursements. The corporation heard about Breakthrough’s solution and knew they needed a more accurate solution than the DOE index, a national average for diesel prices calculated weekly. Impressed by the technology and support of the Breakthrough team, they quickly set a go-live date in January. Throughout the implementation, Breakthrough worked diligently to connect fourteen unique operating systems into one data source.
The corporation’s transportation network is made up of 12 operating companies. Connecting the systems proved to be a challenge with each system requiring a custom upload query into the FELIX platform – a challenge Breakthrough could achieve. The Breakthrough team was relentless in their mission, developing manual solutions including manual files and even receiving data from their carriers to successfully implement Fuel Recovery. Only one operating company had a transportation management system (TMS). Fuel Recovery enabled them to identify a single data source to use as a benchmark for operating decisions. This provides them an immense value.
Breakthrough met with the client on a frequent basis to move swiftly through the implementation of Fuel Recovery with a limited amount of disruption to their operation. The process from the signed contract to going live took less than four months.
The data and information provided in the baseline, along with the support of Breakthrough to identify improvements, led to significant savings. The manufacturer and solutions provider has saved over $790,000 within the first four months of using Fuel Recovery, proving the immense value of using market-based fuel reimbursements. By accounting for time, tax, price, and geography associated with each shipment, shippers can regain control of their transportation fuel spend.
The Breakthrough team remains committed to delivering value to the well-diversified corporation.
For more information about Breakthrough’s Fuel Recovery solution or a FELIX platform demo, contact us!
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