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by Kathryn Pritzl
Kathryn Pritzl

2 min read

Unlocking Your Sustainable Future With Scope 3 Transportation Emissions With Talking Logistics

November 2, 2021

Kathryn Pritzl
by Kathryn Pritzl


Recently, Brett Wetzel, Senior Director of Applied Knowledge at Breakthrough and Adrian Gonzalez from Talking Logistics sat down to further discuss scope 3 transportation emissions.

Watch the Interview with Talking Logistics: Unlock a Sustainable Future

In their conversation, they touch on corporate sustainability and its prevalence in executive conversations and strategic planning. The desire and requirement to improve carbon emissions and a company’s overall footprint continue to become more salient than ever before, but the wider industry is rapidly changing in tandem with these trends.

Supply chains, transportation networks, and the markets in which they serve are becoming more complicated. The events of the last year and a half have continued to compound upon one another to create shipping challenges to an extent we have never seen before. From port congestion to tight trucking capacity, to volatile consumer demands and a regulatory environment that continues to evolve, shippers are now tasked with eliminating emissions from their supply chain under some of the most complex and challenging conditions we have ever seen.

Making Progress Amid Complexity by Honing in on Scope 3 Emissions

With scope 3 emissions making up roughly 90% of Breakthrough shipper clients’ emissions and transportation trending towards the top of the list of contributors, the potential to drive forward change is immense. Although complicated, its not impossible to make an impact if you reach across the aisle nd work with other stakeholders in the ecosystem.

Gonzalez says, “that’s where you require collaboration and partnership and the sharing of data and information across different partners to truly, number one get a baseline and understand where you’re at, and number two, to actually coordinate activities to reduce it.”

Getting there is the biggest hurdle, and as Wetzel comments, “It is now a longer-term ambition. A lot of companies are on the 10-year horizon with goals for 2030, and [the challenge] is less of the prescriptive to start without knowing where you’re going, it’s more knowing where you want to go and the challenge is how to get there.”

The good news is progress is possible and trends are starting to emerge that will guide shippers to take action.

Listen to the full interview above for details on how shippers can unlock their best sustainable future today.

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